- Pest Management
- Fire Plan Review and Inspection
- Building Codes Enforcement
- ADA Assessment
- Applicable Building Codes
- Building Emergency Coordinators
- Certificate of Completion or Occupancy
- Chartfield Form Codes Permits
- Inspections
- Permit Application Process
- Permit Fee Schedule
- Permit Instructions
- Plan Submittal Guidelines
- Temporary Structures on Campus – Including Tents
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Occupational Medicine
- Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Safety
- Ergonomics
- Camps
- Drones/UAS
- Building and Contents
- Boating & Dive Safety
- Automobile
- Report Lab Closeout
- Radiation Safety
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Chemical and Lab Safety
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Safety Surveys
- Peroxide Forming Compounds
- New Labs, Moving Labs & Closeouts
- Nanoparticles
- Minors and Visitors in the Lab
- Lessons Learned
- Lab Ventilation
- Lab Signage
- Lab Safety Manual
- Hydrofluoric Acid
- Greenhouse Safety
- First Aid Kit Info
- Equipment Purchase Approval
- Equipment Decontamination
- DEA – Controlled Substances
- DBPR – Pharmaceutical Products
- Cryogens
- Compressed Gas
- Chemical Storage and Management
- Chemical Spills
- Chemical Safety Information
- Chemical Inventory
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Chemical Exposures
- Acids That Deserve Special Attention
- Biological Safety
- Vaccination Policy for Research Personnel
- Shipping and Transport of Biological Materials
- Select Agents
- Research Involving Flying Insects
- Recombinant & Synthetic Nucleic Acids
- Plant Research
- NIH Guidelines Flowchart
- BloodBorne Pathogen Program
- Biohazardous Waste Disposal
- Biohazard Project Registration
- Autoclaves
- Acute Biological Toxins
- Lab Safety & Research Services
- Clinic Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Animal Research Safety
All events held on the University of Florida campus must be approved through an Event Approval Request Process Event Approval Request Process. Please see the Campus Event Policies for specific information. Beyond the required event approval, your event may require event liability insurance.
You will need to contact the venue/facility coordinator of where the event will be held to satisfy their rental/reservation requirements. Many venue coordinators include any insurance fee for the event with the rental fee so please check with the coordinator. For space that does not have a coordinator, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs.
Non-UF individuals/organizations (3rd party users) are required to provide proof insurance coverage. They can do this by submitting a Certificate of Insurance (COI), an Event Liability Insurance Policy or the Office of Event Services will purchase a Tenants’ and Event Liability Policy.
Non-UF individuals/organizations (3rd party users) requesting the use of UF facilities and/or grounds for an event must carry General Liability insurance in the amount of $1M per occurrence and provide evidence of such insurance (an insurance certificate). The University of Florida and its Board of Trustees must be named as Additional Insureds.
If providing own coverage, the policy must meet the following requirements:
All third parties conducting business with The University of Florida must be properly insured.
- Commercial General Liability Insurance: A Certificate of Insurance (COI) that names UF Board of Trustees (UF BOT) as both the Certificate Holder and as an Additional Insured. Limits must reflect: General Liability with a $1 million per Occurrence Limit and a $2 million per Aggregate Limit.
- Auto Liability Insurance (if applicable): A Certificate of Insurance (COI) that names UF Board of Trustees (UF BOT) as both the Certificate Holder and as an Additional Insured. Limits must reflect: $500,000 combined single limit or $500,000 each occurrence split limit coverage.
- Workers’ Compensation Insurance (if applicable): As required by Florida Statute, Chapter 440. If the Third Party is exempt from carrying Workers’ Compensation, please prove UF the exemption certificate.
For more information please contact EH&S at 352-392-1591 or email risk@ehs.ufl.edu.
Event Liability
Alternatively, renters can a purchase Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP). The policy protects both the renter and the institution against claims by third parties who may be injured or experience damage to property as a result of participating in an event. UF makes the TULIP program available through our membership with the University Risk Management Insurance Association (URMIA).
Premium costs will be paid by the tenant user independently or via the venue coordinator. The costs will vary based on the following criteria:
- Nature of the event
- Duration of the event
- Number of participants
- Level of the risk of the event
For questions regarding TULIP, problems with its website or to cancel coverage, please see the contact information below.
**Please note that Sororities and Fraternities do not qualify for Tulip Event Coverage.
6399 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, Suite 200
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
If your event includes a stage, obtaining a Stage Permit and having EH&S inspect the stage is required for your event.
Please submit and pay for your Temporary Building Permit Application to Environmental Health and Safety by going to https://www.ehs.ufl.edu/forms/building-code-forms/ and clicking on Temporary Building Permit Application link.
A site map and any drawing plans will also need to be included.
Please allow time for an inspection of the stage by EH&S prior to your event.
For questions about the Stage Permits, please contact EH&S at 352-392-1591.
If your event includes a tent, Tent Permits are required for any tent greater than 120 sq. ft.
Please submit and pay for your Temporary Building Permit Application to Environmental Health and Safety by going to https://www.ehs.ufl.edu/forms/building-code-forms/ and clicking on Temporary Building Permit Application.
A site map will also need to be included. Please allow time for an inspection of the tent(s) by EH&S prior to your event.
For questions about the Tent Permits, please contact EH&S at 352-392-1591.
Liability Waivers
Waivers are written agreements that say the sponsor of an activity will not be liable for harm suffered by participants. Campus departments should use waivers whenever they supervise an event that includes any of the following:
- Physical activity (hiking, on mechanical rides, etc.)
- Runs/Races if not registered via a website that has a built-in waiver in the application.
Food Trucks
If your event includes a food truck, they must be:
- UF approved
- Have a fire extinguisher.
- Parked in an approved location that does have any overhead obstructions or trees above hood exhaust.
- Parked clear of any structure by not least than 10 feet.
- Not allowed to park in a fire lane unless approval is given by EH&S Fire Safety.
If your event includes a grill, all grills and smokers will need to be outdoors, on a noncombustible / level surface and at least 10 feet away from any structure or exit.
It also should not be placed under any eave or structural overhang.
A certified fire extinguisher will be needed by any grill or open flame.
Equine Liability
If your event includes Horses, per Florida Statute 773.04 Signage will need to be posted with this verbiage: WARNING Under Florida law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.
Alcohol Training
If your event includes an alcohol from an approved vendor and they are not providing the bartender, please make sure that if the bartenders are UF Faculty/employees that they have taken the TIPS Alcohol Certification Corse for On Premises Alcohol Server Training. https://www.tipsalcohol.com/florida-alcohol-laws.html
Events with Paint (Color Runs)
If your event includes a paints or dyes:
- Is paint water soluble, ecofriendly and nontoxic?
Your paint should be water soluble, ecofriendly and nontoxic.
- Do you have an Safety Data Sheet or information as to the paint?
You should have both a Safety Data Sheet and information as to the paint.
- How is the powder cleaned up after the event?
You should have an action plan in place for after the event and how the powder is going to be cleaned up.