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UF Environmental Health and Safety
UF Environmental Health and Safety
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Lab Signage Order Request Form
Lab Signage Order Request Form
User Contact Information
Your Name
This form will record your name, please fill your name.
Departmental P.O. Box
If research space is off-campus, type in "N/A"
Off Campus Address (off campus UF buildings only)
If research space is on-campus, type in "N/A"
EH&S will not mail stickers to home addresses
Sticker Selection
(Read the instruction below on how to complete this order form)
Review the sticker options below. Enter the number of stickers needed in the “Enter your answer” field. For example, if you need five, enter “5”. If you do not need a specific sticker, leave it blank or type zero, “0”. Further guidance is provided at each sticker option (*).
After you have completed your entries, scroll to the bottom of the form and click the “Submit” button.
Flexible Sign Holder
The flexible sign holder that is completely enclosed will be used for greenhouses and outdoor spaces
Hard Sign Holder
The open back, hard acrylic sign holder will be used for indoor spaces
Refrigerator/Freezer/Cold Room Emergency Contacts
Flammable Gas
This sticker is used on notice boards for labs that have any flammable gas cylinders, it is not for labs with plumbed natural gas. Please note that Oxygen is an oxidizer and a non-flammable gas.
Laser Light
Biohazard - Standard Size
Biohazard - LARGE Size
This sticker is also used to label large items that require a biohazard symbol
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste - Expanded
Hazardous Waste - Original Product Label
Original product determined to be hazardous Waste (unwanted). It is also required on unused product containers when placed in satellite areas for disposal.
Non-Contaminated Lab Waste - Standard
Non-Contaminated Lab Waste - Expanded
Non-Biomedical, Biological Waste For Inactivation
This should be placed on the bin that contains the clear, unmarked autoclave bag for non-biomedical, biological waste
Used Oil
Universal Waste - Batteries
Universal Waste - Mercury Devices
Universal Waste - Mercury Lamps
Peroxide Forming Chemicals
This sticker is used to label and date peroxide forming chemical containers
Sink Eye Wash Log
This tag needs to be placed on the sink eye wash station. The purpose is the tag is to record and ensure the sink eye wash is being tested monthly.
First Aid Kit
To be used to mark location of first aid kit
First Aid Kit - Items List
To be used as a reminder of items required in a first aid kit
Cancer Hazard
This sticker is not for notice boards, but can be used to identify cabinets or desiccators used for storing carcinogens.
Do Not Touch Door Handles With Gloved Hands
Experiment in Progress Reusable Card
DANGER Not for Chemical Storage
For Lab Use Only Not For Human Consumption
This sticker is intended for ice makers, appliances and food items that are intended for lab usage and should not be eaten.
No Food Or Drink Allowed In This Unit
For any appliance that is intended for lab use only and should not store any food or drink items.
Food Only In This Unit
This sticker should be used on all microwaves, toaster ovens, fridges, and freezers used for food for human consumption.
DANGER Do Not Put Flammable Liquid In This Refrigerator/Freezer
Medicine Refrigerator Only
This sticker is intended for clinics to identify medicine storage fridges.
Chemical Spill Kit
Biological Spill Kit
Not for infectious materials unless used in a BSC - Small
Exempt Human Specimen
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.