• Facility Support Services
  • Occupational Safety & Risk Management
  • Research Safety & Services
  • Lessons Learned are experiences gained from past activities that should be actively taken into account in future actions and behaviors. Accidents and near misses happen. Learning from those experiences can improve Safety Culture and help prevent future incidents.

    Library of Lessons Learned:

    Aqua Regia

    Learn about an incident where a container of Aqua Regia pressurized and gushed onto a researcher’s hand.

    Ethyl Alcohol

    Learn about an incident where a Bunsen burner and Ethyl Alcohol caused a chemical fire.

    Hydrazine Monohydrate

    Learn about an incident where Hydrazine Monohydrate caused an explosion in a fume hood during the synthesis of an unfamiliar compound.

    Nitric Acid

    Learn about an incident where a container of Nitric Acid failed and spilled.


    Learn about an incident where a student’s skin was exposed to Phenol.