Procedures and Guidelines

  • Facility Support Services
  • Occupational Safety & Risk Management
  • Research Safety & Services
  • Effective April 2023, the University of Florida shifted from pre-placement health assessments to post-employment health assessments for most job duties with the exception of Scientific Divers and Law Enforcement Officers.

    New Employees: Departments are able to require health assessments at their discretion. Exceptions are however limited to the following programs which do require mandatory training and periodic medical monitoring:

    1. Animal Contact-renewed every 3 years
    2. Hearing Conservation-initial, annual, and exit
    3. Contact with human blood-mandatory annual training
    4. Biopath Physicals-initial and annual
    5. Respirator Use-renewals vary and are dependent on OSHA & ANSI standards

    For new hires, it is strongly recommended to complete the health assessments during the first two weeks of employment, so that medical monitoring requirements can be tracked by Environmental Health & Safety.

    Transfer/Established Employees: For transfer employees who will be waived into new positions utilizing the health assessment or HAMS waiver, any new requirements or updates on medical monitoring must be completed immediately before the employee begins their new position. Completing assessments immediately upon waiving will ensure the department and employee are compliant with the medical monitoring programs and required training as described below:

    1. Animal Contact-renewed every 3 years
    2. Hearing Conservation-initial, annual, and exit
    3. Contact with human blood-mandatory annual training
    4. Biopath Physicals-initial and annual
    5. Respirator Use-renewals vary and are dependent on OSHA & ANSI standards

    Questions? For any questions on health assessment requirements, please contact the Occupational Health Consultant at (352) 392-3591.