• Facility Support Services
  • Occupational Safety & Risk Management
  • Research Safety & Services

    As per the Florida Building Code – Building, section 105.4.1, “A permit issued shall be construed to be a license to proceed with the work and not as authority to violate, cancel, alter or set aside any of the provisions of the technical codes, nor shall issuance of a permit prevent the building official from thereafter requiring a correction of errors in plans, construction or violations of this code.”

    Building Permits expire six months from issuance if the work authorized by the permit has not commenced, or if the work authorized by the permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of six months after the time the work commenced. To keep a permit in active status, a Passing inspection is required to be completed within 180 days of permit issuance or within 180 days from a previous passing inspection.


    Work shall not commence until the permit holder posts the building permit in a conspicuous place on the premises or in the job site trailer. The Building Permit card shall be protected from the weather and located to allow access by inspectors. The permit card shall be maintained by the permit holder until the Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Building Code Administrator. A copy of the original permit card may be posted in lieu of the original.


    The construction documents shall be kept at the site of work and shall be available for review by the Building Code Administrator or their authorized agents. Deviations from the permitted documents shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the area or system being inspected.

    Manufacturer’s installation instructions, Florida Product approvals, and other associated documents required to verify code compliance shall be kept on site and made available for review. If work has been added or is not covered by the permit documents, an amended permit application shall be submitted to EH&S prior to subsequent inspections.


    It is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure that all contractors performing work on the project comply with applicable contractor licensing for the State of Florida through the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Contractor/subcontractor information for the project shall be on file in at the EH&S office. All contractors and sub-contractors are required to create and maintain an account in CitizenServe Portal: to include licensing and insurance information.

    Inspections will for trades will not be performed unless sub-contractors are listed on the permit, if required. The permit holder is responsible for all work covered under the permit documents and shall request required inspections.


    This building permit implies that the permit holder grants right of entry to the building, structure, or premises to inspect or perform any duty imposed upon the Building Code Administrator or his authorized agents by the building codes.


    Upon notice from the Building Code Administrator, work that is done contrary to the provisions of the codes or in a dangerous or unsafe manner shall immediately cease. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the permit holder, the authorized agent – if listed on the permit, and the State Agency project manager, and shall state the conditions under which work was stopped and when it may resume. Where an emergency exists, the Building Code Administrator shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work.


    If the Building Code Administrator has determined that there has been a false statement or misrepresentation as to the material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval was based, the Building Code Administrator may revoke a building permit or code review approval.

    The Building Code Administrator may revoke the building permit upon determination that the contractor has proceeded with work that is in violation of, or not in conformity with, the provisions of the building or life safety codes, or is unsafe for use.