- Pest Management
- Fire Plan Review and Inspection
- Building Codes Enforcement
- ADA Assessment
- Applicable Building Codes
- Building Emergency Coordinators
- Certificate of Completion or Occupancy
- Chartfield Form Codes Permits
- Inspections
- Permit Application Process
- Permit Fee Schedule
- Permit Instructions
- Plan Submittal Guidelines
- Temporary Structures on Campus – Including Tents
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Occupational Medicine
- Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Safety
- Ergonomics
- Camps
- Drones/UAS
- Building and Contents
- Boating & Dive Safety
- Automobile
- Report Lab Closeout
- Radiation Safety
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Gator TRACS
- Chemical and Lab Safety
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Safety Surveys
- Peroxide Forming Compounds
- New Labs, Moving Labs & Closeouts
- Nanoparticles
- Minors and Visitors in the Lab
- Lessons Learned
- Lab Ventilation
- Lab Signage
- Lab Safety Manual
- Lab Safety
- Hydrofluoric Acid
- Greenhouse Safety
- First Aid Kit Info
- Equipment Purchase Approval
- Equipment Decontamination
- DEA – Controlled Substances
- DBPR – Pharmaceutical Products
- Cryogens
- Compressed Gas
- Clinic Safety
- Chemical Storage and Management
- Chemical Spills
- Chemical Safety Information
- Chemical Safety
- Chemical Inventory
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Chemical Exposures
- Acids That Deserve Special Attention
- Biological Safety
- Vaccination Policy for Research Personnel
- Shipping and Transport of Biological Materials
- Select Agents
- Research Involving Flying Insects
- Recombinant & Synthetic Nucleic Acids
- Plant Research
- NIH Guidelines Flowchart
- BloodBorne Pathogen Program
- Biohazardous Waste Disposal
- Biohazard Project Registration
- Autoclaves
- Acute Biological Toxins
- Animal Research Safety
Inspection Times
Inspections are performed between 7:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
Inspection requests for the following counties need to be submitted using the Portal before 7:00 am the morning of the inspection: Alachua, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Flagler, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion, Putnam, St. Johns, Suwannee, and Union Counties – this includes all UF, UNF, SBAC, and FSDB properties.
Inspection requests for any other county (unless approved by EH&S prior to the first inspection) will need to be submitted two (2) business days in advanced using the Out of Area Inspection Request form. Failure to submit this request two (2) business days prior to the requested inspection may result in the inspection not being performed, which will result in delays to the permitted project.
Inspections are requested using an am/pm time window. The requestor may note on the request a time; however, it is up to the inspector and their workload when the inspection will be performed within the am or pm time window. It is the requestor’s responsibility to make sure the work is completed prior to requesting an inspection. If the inspector arrives before the requested time on the inspection request and the work is not completed, they will Fail the inspection, and the inspection will have to be rescheduled – even if a specific time was requested.
An inspection cannot be cancelled or rescheduled in the Portal after 7:00 am, the day of the inspection. If the inspection needs to be cancelled, please contact the inspector directly or contact EH&S Codes Desk at 352-392-1591 to cancel the inspection.
Inspection Request
During the construction process, all permitted projects shall be inspected by EH&S Building Code Inspectors for Code Compliance. The permit holder shall request various inspections as required by the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code. The required inspections are listed on the back of the permit, within the online Portal when you are requesting an inspection, and on the Out of Area Inspection Request form.
The inspector’s function is to inspect the work for code compliance per the approved construction documents and document the results. The inspector is not responsible for scheduling, directing, or managing the construction work, or making a punch or corrections list. Any deviations from the approved permitted documents shall be submitted to EH&S for approval prior to inspection per the Florida Building Code – Building 107.4. Failure to submit timely changes for review will result in the inspection for that change to Fail until the plans have been submitted, reviewed, and approved by EH&S.
To request an inspection, log into the Portal, select the active permit number and then select the type of inspection that is being requested. It’s important that all the information in this policy and on the Inspection Request page on the Portal be read thoroughly. Failure to follow this policy or information on the page may result in the inspection being Cancelled with or without notice or Failed if the inspector arrives. Only the trade listed on the inspection will be inspected (i.e. Building, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.). Do not combine multiple trade inspections into one inspection. Make sure the proper inspection trade and type is selected for the
It is important that when requesting inspections, the requestor specifies, to the best of their ability, the area being inspected. EH&S does not provide “Partial” inspection results. This information is to be provided within the field titled “Area/Work To Be Inspected” when requesting an inspection through the Portal or when using the Out of Area Inspection Request form.
- As an example, the requestor should use column lines and/or room numbers to delineate the areas being inspected. If the requestor only puts down framing, it is assumed that all framing has been completed. If not, the inspection will Fail. Do not put “Partial Framing” in the requested area in the inspection request form as it is not the inspector’s responsibility to change the area of inspection that was completed. This will result in a Failed inspection.
- Roofing inspections shall not put “In-Progress” in this field. The requester shall provide what is being inspected. If only certain areas of the roof are being inspected, the requestor shall delineate what areas are being inspected. If this area is not completed properly, this will result in a Failed inspection.
If there is no specific inspection information provided, it will be assumed that all areas of the requested inspection type are ready for inspection.
The permit holder is required to make all necessary portions of the work available for inspection and provide the means (e.g., ladder, scaffolding stairs, lifts, etc.) for the construction area to be inspected. EH&S inspectors do carry flashlights but do not carry tools. Electrical panels, electrical boxes or concealed areas must be open for inspection. Inspectors will not remove covers or other obstructions to inspect work, this is required to be performed by the permit holder. Do not block inspection areas with materials, boxes, or other items that may hinder or delay the inspection process.
The permit holder, representative, or site superintendent must accompany the inspector during the inspection process and specify the work area to be inspected, unless otherwise agreed upon with the inspector. If the representative can’t be found or contacted in a timely manner the inspection will be Failed and re-inspection fees may apply. The permit holder shall make all permits, drawings, specifications, and code related change order documents available to the inspector. Work shall not be concealed or proceed to the next phase on any part of a building, structure, electrical system, fire suppression, gas system, mechanical system, or plumbing system until the previous work has been inspected and approved by the EH&S Building Code Administrator or their authorized agent. If work continues after a Failed inspection, the permit holder will be required to uncover, at their own expense, any areas that need to be inspected from a Failed inspection.
It is the permit applicant responsibility to comply with all required inspections and re-inspections. Failure to schedule inspections will result in the permit holder’s license being reported to DBPR for administrative action in accordance with Florida Administrative Code 61G4-19.001 and Florida Statute 489.129(1)(o). Failure to call for re-inspections will cause delays to the project and may result in the same disciplinary actions for not scheduling inspections.
If the permit holder is not currently set up with a customer Portal please call EH&S at 352-392-1591 and ask for the Codes desk or email EH&S at
inspection being requested.
Inspection Results
EH&S code inspectors will complete the inspection request through the online Portal , this includes any Out of Area Inspections. EH&S does not directly notify the requestor or permit holder of the results of the inspection. All results are completed, along with any comments for the inspection through the online Portal. It is the responsibility of the requestor or permit holder to view the results of the inspection through the Portal. The permit holder and all subcontractors listed on the permit may view the inspection results under the permit number. The permit holder has different report options to select from through the online Portal to view the inspection results. Please view the online Portal for more information and reports available. Inspection results should be available by the end of the business day the inspection was conducted. If no results are available for the requested inspection, please contact the inspector or EH&S Codes Desk at 352-392-1591.
Inspection Status
Reinspection Fee – $120
Out of Area Reinspection Fee – $170
Inspection results and reports will indicate the inspection status with one of the following:
- Approved for CC/CO
The Final Inspection(s) have passed, and the permit is ready to be issued a Certificate of Completion (CC) or Certificate of Occupancy (CO). The applicant will need to apply for the CC or CO through their Portal account.
- Approved for TCC/TCO
Final inspections have been carried out, and one or more trades have not completed the work but there are no life-safety issues that will cause the space/building from being occupied until all trade work is completed. The applicant will need to apply for a Temporary Certificate of Completion (TCC) or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). This does not relieve the applicant from requesting another Final Inspection(s) to close out the permit.
- Cancelled
In advance of a scheduled inspection time the permit holder notified the EH&S Office and/or EH&S inspector that the inspection would not be ready for inspection at the requested date and time and the inspector did not arrive at job site. Permit holder is required to reschedule the cancelled inspection. Out of area inspections require one working day cancellation notice by calling EH&S building code office or a reinspection fee will be charged.
- Not Ready
EH&S inspector arrived at the jobsite and prior to the start of the scheduled inspection, was notified by the contractor that the work to be inspected was not complete, therefore the inspection never commenced.
- If the inspection begins and the work is deemed by the inspector to be ‘not ready’, the inspection will be logged as a Failed Out of area reinspection fees are equal to the charge by the inspection agency or $170 per reinspection.
- Failed
A building code related inspection was performed, and code deficiencies were found and noted by the inspector. A reinspection shall be scheduled by the permit holder after corrections have been made. Do not cover/conceal or otherwise proceed with the work until it is Passed by the inspector. The inspector will not wait while work is done to uncover unapproved work and will Fail the inspection again and may charge a reinspection fee for the next inspection. The entire area of a Failed inspection shall be recalled in its entirety when ready – do not split up re-inspections for a Failed inspection.
- Passed
An inspection by EH&S was performed and either: no major code deficiencies or plan deviations were noted by the inspector (the inspector has made comments on the inspection report, and it is the applicant’s responsibility to review and complete any comments from the inspection) or there were no code issues found during the inspection. Permitted work has approval to proceed to the next required inspection.
Inspection Services Not Provided by EH&S
1.Concrete slump, cylinder breaks
2.Fireproofing pull test
3.Hot work inspections that are not located within UF Main and East Campus
4.Inspection and Testing Requirements from the Florida Building Code–Building –Chapter 17.
6.Smoke Control
7.Soil Density
8.Threshold Inspections
9.Weld Inspections
Elevator Inspections
EH&S does not inspect or certify elevator operation or elevator equipment. EH&S will inspect the electrical connection, emergency elevator recall location, ADA access, signage, and shaft structure. A copy of the final elevator inspection approval is required to be provided to EH&S prior to issuing a Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Occupancy.
Erosion Control Enforcement& Inspections
EH&S performs the inspections for the required erosion control measures per the approved erosion control plans. Even though this is out of the purview of the Building Codes, EH&S has been tasked by the University of Florida to enforce and inspect all erosion control measures for UF projects to ensure they comply with the requirements of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Failure to install and maintain erosion control measures per FDEP will result in the permitted project being issued a Stop Work Order until all erosion control measures are in place or brought into compliance. When no erosion control plan is in the contract documents, the project shall comply with the Florida Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspectors Manual requirements and FDEP rules and regulations to prevent sediment from leaving the site. Erosion control inspections are only required for UF Campus.