Clinic Safety

  • Facility Support Services
  • Occupational Safety & Risk Management
  • Research Safety & Services
  • Clinic Safety Program Overview

    The College of Medicine is the largest of six colleges at the University of Florida Academic Health Center. Within this is the University of Florida Health Physicians group practice (UFHP). A close collaborator with the UF Health system, this practice group provides a combination of first-rate medical facilities and well-trained physicians-in-training to provide the highest quality of patient care.

    For the UFHP group, Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) provides oversight and training to the UFHP personnel while also maintaining compliance of clinic spaces with local, state, and federal regulations. For the Clinic Safety Program this is achieved by providing guidance on Hazardous and Biomedical Waste, Fire Safety, Disaster Planning, and more. Below are some of the duties performed by our Clinic Safety personnel:

    • Clinic Safety Surveys
    • Biomedical Waste Oversight and Guidance
    • Chemical and Pharmaceutical Waste Oversight and Guidance
    • Chemical Inventory Recording and Upkeep
    • Respirator Fit Testing
    • Ergonomic Assessments
    • Fire Safety Response Plans
    • Disaster Planning
    • Industrial Hygiene Services


    Clinic Safety Survey

    At EH&S, we provide each clinic with an annual survey to help provide feedback and opportunities for improvement to maintain compliance with any policies set forth by the Florida Department of Health (DOH), or any other governing body. The annual survey includes Physical safety, Biomedical Waste generation and storage, Fire safety, Electrical safety, etc. Below are some Clinic Safety Survey resources:


    Additional Resources

    If any issues or concerns arise in a UFHP clinic, please contact Dylan Miller at (352) 294-7114, or Lab Safety at

    Additionally, please see below for more resources: