- Homepage
- Departments
- Research Safety & Services
- Biological Safety
- Vaccination Policy for Research Personnel
Vaccination Policy for Research Personnel
- Pest Management
- Fire Plan Review and Inspection
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- Applicable Building Codes
- Building Emergency Coordinators
- Certificate of Completion or Occupancy
- Chartfield Form Codes Permits
- Inspections
- Permit Application Process
- Permit Fee Schedule
- Permit Instructions
- Plan Submittal Guidelines
- Temporary Structures on Campus – Including Tents
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Occupational Medicine
- Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Safety
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- Peroxide Forming Compounds
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- Nanoparticles
- Minors and Visitors in the Lab
- Lessons Learned
- Lab Ventilation
- Lab Signage
- Lab Safety Manual
- Hydrofluoric Acid
- Greenhouse Safety
- First Aid Kit Info
- Equipment Purchase Approval
- Equipment Decontamination
- DEA – Controlled Substances
- DBPR – Pharmaceutical Products
- Cryogens
- Compressed Gas
- Chemical Storage and Management
- Chemical Spills
- Chemical Safety Information
- Chemical Inventory
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Chemical Exposures
- Acids That Deserve Special Attention
- Biological Safety
- Vaccination Policy for Research Personnel
- Shipping and Transport of Biological Materials
- Select Agents
- Research Involving Flying Insects
- Recombinant & Synthetic Nucleic Acids
- Plant Research
- NIH Guidelines Flowchart
- BloodBorne Pathogen Program
- Biohazardous Waste Disposal
- Biohazard Project Registration
- Autoclaves
- Acute Biological Toxins
- Lab Safety & Research Services
- Clinic Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Animal Research Safety
To provide guidance to the University of Florida research community regarding vaccination available for specific infectious agents used in research laboratories.
By authority delegated from the University President, the Vice-President for Business Affairs is responsible for the safety of all University facilities. Under this authority, policies are developed to provide a safe teaching, research, service, housing and recreational environment.
Recommended Vaccines
Personnel working in research laboratories with certain biological agents are at increased risk of exposure to those agents due to the nature of their work. In order to minimize the risk of infection, vaccination against the agent in use is recommended. Note that other UF departments and programs (Animal Contact, Veterinary Medicine) may have mandatory vaccinations required for enrollment/participation beyond EH&S’s requirement.
Risk assessment and vaccine recommendations are done based on the agent, strain, transmission routes, procedural hazards and health risks to the individual and the community. The Biosafety Office and/or Institutional Biosafety Committee will conduct the risk assessment during the Biohazard Project Registration review and recommend vaccines as appropriate. Vaccinations are voluntary but if a vaccine recommendation is made, individuals are required to complete the Acceptance/Declination/Request for Additional Information Form.
Researchers may:
- Accept the vaccine.
- Decline the vaccine because they have previously been vaccinated and are current on any required booster doses. Official medical records indicating 1) the month and year of the vaccination(s)/booster(s) OR 2) laboratory evidence of immunity, must be provided to the UF Occupational Medicine. Provider for interpretation and verification.
- Decline the vaccine. General Counsel will be notified, and they will draft a waiver/release form that the individual must sign.
- Request consultation with UF Occupational Medicine and/or UF Infectious Disease Physicians.
All vaccinations will be provided by UF Occupational Medicine Services according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) at recommended dosing schedules at no cost to the employee (department or PI is responsible for payment).
Below is a list of infectious agents for which there is a vaccine available that is recommended to research personnel at risk for exposure.
*As part of UF’s Bloodborne Pathogen program, you must document your decision to accept or decline the Hepatitis B vaccine using the Training & Vaccination Status Form. This acceptance/declination form needs to be submitted only once during your tenure at UF unless you originally decline vaccination and later decide to accept it.