Minors in Research Laboratories, Clinics, or Animal Facilities

  • Policies and Guidelines
  • Org Chart
  • Locations
  • Contacts

    The objective of this policy is to identify requirements and conditions for allowing minors to work or conduct research in a University of Florida laboratory, greenhouse, clinic area, or animal facility. This policy is directed to include all persons under age 18 whether students, employees, visitors, or volunteers.


    This policy covers all University of Florida laboratories, greenhouses, clinic areas, animal facilities, animal procedure rooms, and animal housing areas.


    Minors are not allowed to work or conduct research in University of Florida laboratories without approval from the Youth Compliance Services and Environmental Health & Safety.

    All Minors are prohibited from working or conducting research in the following areas:

    • Any laboratory or facility designated as BSL-3, ABSL-3 or higher for recombinant or infectious organisms.
    • Any laboratory or facility where select agents or explosives are used or stored.
    • Any Animal Care Services (ACS) housing or procedure area/lab/facility (note that this does not apply to individual Principal Investigator animal research laboratories).
    • Machine shops
    • Clinics

    Minors are prohibited from working with any of the following materials or equipment:

    • Radioactive materials or radiation (X-rays)
    • Acute Toxins
    • Operating farm machinery or state vehicles.

    Minors can work or conduct research in laboratories/facilities (not listed above) if the following requirements are met in full:

    • The Principal Investigator or Supervisor responsible for the UF research space has contacted Youth Compliance Services to determine if registration is required.
    • The personnel engaging or supervising minor activities have taken the required Youth Protection Training (YCS800).
    • The University of Florida EH&S Policy titled; MINORS IN RESEARCH LABORATORIES, CLINIC AREAS OR ANIMAL FACILITIES has been read and understood.
    • Minors Registration Form is submitted to and approved by the University of Florida, Division of Environmental Health and Safety and, if applicable, the IBC. Included in this form is The Potential Hazards Information sheet which requires a parental /guardian signature indicating he/she has read of potential risks. The Registration Form must be approved prior to initiation of the work or research.
    • Hazard specific safety training is completed with the minor by the Principal Investigator/Sponsor.
    • Personal protective equipment, specific to the hazard, is provided to the minor with instructions for use and disposal.
    • The minor is supervised at all times following Youth Compliance Services’ supervision requirements.
    • Hours of work comply with Federal Regulation 29 CFR 570.35.
    • The laboratory/facility is in full compliance with all applicable University of Florida safety programs and regulations.

    Visiting minors, not previously approved as part of a University of Florida program or science fair, are not allowed in UF research facilities for any reason.


    By authority delegated from the University President, the Vice-President for Business Affairs is responsible for the safety of all University facilities. Under this authority, policies are developed to provide a safe teaching, research, service, housing and recreational environment. Faculty and staff of the University of Florida who fail to comply with this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


    “Minor” means any person who has not attained the age of 18 years. This policy applies to minors who are not UF students.

    “Visitor” means any person who enters a laboratory, greenhouse, clinic area, or animal facility upon the express or implied invitation of the site’s director/supervisor.

    “Volunteer” means any person who, of his or her own free will, provides services to the University of Florida as defined by UFHR’s Volunteer Policy.